Alberto G. Rodríguez U.
Web Developer / FullStack
Online version

Professional Profile

Integral professional, with systemic vision, culture of continuous improvement and saving of resources; able to design and implement information systems. Oriented towards the area of quality, productivity and process optimization. As well as the application of criteria in the Technological field.

Work Experience

Ordinary Professor

2008 - Present
Systems Engineering Area, UNERG

San Juan de los Morros, VE

Web Developer / FullStack

2014 - Present
Freelance Programmer

Systems administrator

2007 / 2010
Directorate of Control, Admission and Evaluation, UNERG

San Juan de los Morros, VE

Sectorial Office of Study Control

2005 / 2006
Area of Political and Legal Sciences, UNERG

San Juan de los Morros, VE

Computer Science Department, Statistics Department

Educational Zone of the Aragua State

Maracay, VE


Applications e-Bussines

IBM Advanced Career Education e-business Application Developer Program

San Juan de los Morros, VE

Application Development

IBM Advanced Career Education e-business Application Developer Program

San Juan de los Morros, VE

Programming Fundamentals

IBM Advanced Career Education e-business Application Developer Program

San Juan de los Morros, VE

Skills and Abilities

  • Responsibility and leadership.
  • Teamwork.
  • Willing to acquire new knowledge.
  • PHP: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter development framenworks; PHPUnit; contruccion of Plugins, Components, Helpers at CakePHP.
  • Java: Development in Java SE and EE, Includes Open Source ERP, academic teaching.
  • Elixir: Functional Programming, Phoenix Framework, Ecto ORM.
  • Javascript: vanilla JS, JQuery, node JS, React.
  • Relational databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2.
  • NoSQL databases: MongoDB, Redis.
  • Work Methodologies: Agile, Scrumm, Kanban.
  • GIT version control software.


The following developments are personal, academic or work projects under Freelance contracting.

pDoxa - Academic Schedule Management System

Developed with CakePHP, jQuery and jQuery UI, construction of academic schedules, Drag and Drop system, control and teaching assistance

pGrado - Management System and Monitoring of Academic Projects

Developed with CakePHP, jQuery, Bootstrap, Responsive Designee, student and project registration, monitoring of academic tutors, file uploading, project version control, jury assignment, control and monitoring of project phases.

PerfQ - Registration and Control of work time to distance hiring

Developed with the Elixir functional programming language, and the Phoenix Web Development Framework, Graphical User Interface with AngularJS, this project was carried out under the modality of freelance contracting, and my work consisted in the development of several modules at the Backend level, such as registration and encoding concurrent requests and transferring files to Amazon Web Services (S3) - News portal of Guárico and Venezuela

Administration and modifications of Wordpress, administration of servers and Databases

JavaAgil - System for commercial and administrative management of EPA Hardware store

Developed with Java EE and with Compiere Open Source ERP, I work under the Freelance contract modality which consisted in the development of the General Inventory and Physical Taking module of the company's stores

Odontogram - JQuery plugin for the dynamic generation of odontodiagrams and registration of dental information
jquery.comet - JQuery plugin for comet type push notifications
TeBo - PHP Microframework for Telegram Bot
React App RMPlayer - React developed music web player
util-cake - CakePHP Plugin, collection of utilities for cakephp 3.x